Find answers to your questions before embarking on a trip, so you know exactly what you need. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to contact us via contact form.

How Borealis works

Yes, Borealis is a tourist entertainment company and travel agency, duly licensed and authorized for this purpose (under RNAAT 292/2012 and RNAVT 6217), with a legal, administrative and operational structure developed to ensure that any trip in nature is carried out safely, and that it meets the requirements and expectations of happiness.

Borealis operates on almost every continent, with trips to connect with nature, people and culture, designed 'in made' and developed in-house, for limited groups. Each trip is a unique edition, and the unpredictability of some moments is also part of the experience, generating memorable elements.

Borealis trips are organized into categories designed to make the choice easier and each experience truly unique. These categories are based on three main pillars: travel styles, destinations e collectionsEach one reflects different ways of exploring the world.

  1. Travel Styles
    The styles represent the different types of experiences we offer, such as trips focused on tranquillity and connection with nature, cultural and historical exploration, or challenging adventures. From Mindfulideal for those looking for introspection and balance, through to challengers Trekking on mountain trails, each style of trip is designed to satisfy specific interests and objectives.
  2. Destinations
    The destinations cover a wide range of options, from the charm of national landscapes, such as the Peneda-Gerês National Park or the Inner Portugal region, to international horizons such as the Alps, Iceland or Japan. Each destination is carefully selected to offer the best of each location, integrating culture, nature and history.
  3. Collections
    Collections bring together families of programs with similar themes and affinities, allowing travelers to explore related experiences in an organized and coherent way. They group together programs with similar objectives, formats or inspirations, making it easier to choose a trip that matches your interests. Within each collection, there is room for innovation and exclusivity, ensuring that even in similar programs, each trip offers something new and surprising.

With this organization into styles, destinations and collections, Borealis travel becomes accessible, varied and deeply meaningful, helping every traveller find their ideal adventure.

Borealis is headquartered in Ponte de Lima, however, we do not have a public service at this location. Please use the online ( and telephone (+351 910 910 930) contacts available for this purpose, as well as social media.

Of course! We make trips tailored to your dreams and expectations. Part of our job is to develop unique, tailor-made trips for national and international private groups, companies, etc. To explore a private trip, get in touch via the Borealis communication channels.

Each trip is unique and therefore includes different services in the price. As a rule, the price of the trip includes: accommodation (with breakfast), organized transport (almost always by coach), itineraries and activities, compulsory insurance (with a PVFM guarantee) and 24/7 support from the Borealis travel coordinator and nature guides.

Flights are not included in the price of the trip, however we can help and guide you in booking flights. The services included and excluded are described in the trip details.

Yes, these will be known, including the associated extra cost, when you book online. Examples of extra services: overnight stay in a single room, multi-trip insurance upgrade with CIV Trip Cancellation and Interruption, assistance in purchasing and managing flights.

Because these are incredible trips, designed and developed from scratch by Borealis, the same trip can take place between 1 and 3 times a year, depending on seasonality. As a rule, we put departure dates online at least 3 months in advance, and in some cases 12 months, so that you can book in advance, buy flights at the best time and prepare your trip calmly.

Of course not, we believe that age is just a number, what matters is being curious to explore the world! Our trips often include a lighter itinerary so that you can adjust the challenge to your physical condition. In the case of minors, you can only travel with the express permission of your parents/guardians. With Borealis you will always feel comfortable and safe in all situations.

More than you might think, more than 85% of the groups on our trips are made up of participants traveling alone. Bring your backpack and we'll bring our friends!

The Borealis travel coordinator is an experienced traveler who is qualified to be the perfect travel companion for your trip: they will always be present and available to ensure that the trip runs smoothly and perfectly, managing all the associated logistics (timetables, meeting points, transport, program, accommodation) so that you can enjoy a trip without stress or distractions. The name and mobile contact of the travel coordinator will be provided in the days leading up to the trip. We remind you that the mobile contact will always be available throughout the trip and 24 hours before and after the trip.

Yes, they definitely work! Groups work because the people who take part share a common denominator: they like to travel and explore nature and the world. Heterogeneity is also important to make the travel experience more fulfilling and unique. And of course, the opportunity to meet new people and new destinations, well accompanied. And of course, you won't have to adjust to the pace of others, you'll be able to enjoy the trip at your own pace, favoring what you consider important at the moment (introspection vs. interaction, slow or faster, contemplation vs. physical effort, etc.). Respecting individual pace is the main reason why Borealis offers more than one guide for each trip, depending on the size of the group.

The groups are made up of the trip coordinator and monitors as well as your new travel companions. They have a pre-defined minimum and maximum size and the final composition may vary depending on last-minute withdrawals and bookings.

Of course, nature and the world is our home. We are just curious observers of the places we explore together, we develop good environmental practices and we don't interfere with their natural balance. Our approach to sustainability is an absolute priority and we provide information and a code of conduct in nature (Ordinance No. 651/2009 of June 12).

Booking and travel preparation

Don't worry, we're here! Borealis has a back-office support team ready to answer all your booking and travel questions. To do this, you can use one of our available communication channels: telephone (+351)910 910 930 (including via Whatsapp), e-mail or via chat on social networks.

You can book online with just a few clicks! It's a simple process via the website's not even compulsory to have an associated account. The website gives you access to all the new trips planned, as well as information and details of each trip that will allow you to prepare with peace of mind and enthusiasm.

Your booking will be confirmed once it has been paid for. The advertised trip will only be confirmed once we have reached the minimum group of participants and all operational and safety details are guaranteed.

Keep an eye on your e-mail! You'll receive a communication with all the details of the trip to help you prepare better, including information on organized transport and/or accommodation. In addition, in the days leading up to departure, you will receive final confirmation of the trip.

If your trip requires flights, you should wait for the communication from guaranteed exit before you buy the tickets.

Finally, you'll be invited to join the travel group in the community #VidaBorealis on WhatsApp. It's the perfect way to connect with your future companions and get into the spirit of adventure before you even set off!

No problem! We have a back-office support team eager to get in touch and ready to answer all your booking and travel-related questions. To do this, you can use one of our available communication channels: telephone (+351)910 910 930 (including via WhatsApp), e-mail or via chat on social networks.

Of course! Once the booking has been confirmed, you'll receive an e-mail to fill in the details of each traveler associated with the booking.

On our website, you have several payment options at your disposal, among others:

  • Multibanco reference
  • MB WAY

Choose the method that suits you best and get ready to embark on your next adventure!

No, discount codes can only be used at the time of booking, afterwards there is no option to use them.

A resposta depende do valor total da tua viagem:

  • Viagens com valor igual ou inferior a 300€: Nestes casos, pedimos que efetues o pagamento da totalidade do valor no ato da reserva, salvo indicação contrária ou alguma campanha específica em vigor.

  • Viagens com valor  superior a 300€: Para estas viagens, oferecemos a possibilidade de pagamento faseado, tornando a tua viagem mais acessível. O pagamento faseado funciona da seguinte forma:

    1. Depósito Inicial de 100€: Pagas um depósito inicial de 100€ no momento da reserva. Este depósito garante a tua vaga e, como já referimos, não é reembolsável em caso de cancelamento por tua parte, mas será devolvido se formos nós a cancelar a viagem.

    2. Plano de Pagamento Personalizado: Após o pagamento do depósito, entras em contacto com o nosso back-office. Juntos, iremos criar um plano de pagamento personalizado para o valor restante da tua viagem. Neste plano, definiremos o número de prestações, as datas de vencimento de cada uma e outros detalhes importantes.

    3. Formalização do Plano: O plano de pagamento que acordarmos será formalizado entre nós. É muito importante que cumpras os prazos de pagamento definidos no plano para evitares o cancelamento da tua reserva.

Em resumo: Não é necessário pagar o valor total da viagem logo no início se a tua viagem custar mais de 300€. Podes optar pelo pagamento faseado, com um depósito inicial de 100€ e um plano de pagamento personalizado para o restante valor. Se a tua viagem custar igual ou menos de 300€, o pagamento integral é solicitado no ato da reserva.

A Borealis Viagens oferece-te a possibilidade de pagamento faseado para viagens com valor total  superior a 300€. Este método de pagamento permite-te dividir o custo da tua viagem em parcelas, tornando-a mais acessível. O processo funciona da seguinte forma:

  1. Depósito Inicial: No ato da reserva, pedimos-te um depósito inicial de 100€. Este depósito garante a tua vaga na viagem e não é reembolsável, exceto se a Borealis cancelar a viagem.
  2. Plano de Pagamento Personalizado: Após o pagamento do depósito, deves contactar o back-office da Borealis para definirmos juntos um plano de pagamento personalizado. Este plano detalhará o número de prestações restantes, as datas de vencimento de cada prestação e quaisquer outras condições relevantes.
  3. Aprovação e Formalização: O plano de pagamento que acordarmos será formalizado entre nós. É importante que cumpras os prazos de pagamento definidos no plano para evitares o cancelamento da tua reserva.

Em resumo: O pagamento faseado consiste num depósito inicial de 100€ (não reembolsável) seguido da criação de um plano de pagamento personalizado com o nosso back-office para o valor restante da tua viagem.

O depósito de 100€ que pagas no ato da reserva para garantir a tua vaga na viagem tem as seguintes condições em caso de cancelamento:

  • Cancelamento por ti: Se cancelares a tua reserva, independentemente do motivo e do tempo de antecedência, o depósito de 100€ não será reembolsado. Isto aplica-se mesmo que tenhas direito a um reembolso parcial do valor restante da viagem, de acordo com as nossas políticas de cancelamento (8 dias antes para viagens sem transporte/alojamento e 28 dias antes para viagens com transporte/alojamento). O valor do depósito será deduzido do valor a ser reembolsado.
  • Cancelamento pela Borealis: Se nós cancelarmos a viagem por motivos de força maior, falta de número mínimo de participantes ou outros motivos justificados, terás direito ao reembolso integral de todos os valores pagos, incluindo o depósito de 100€.

Em resumo: O depósito de 100€ funciona como uma garantia da tua reserva. Se cancelares, o valor fica connosco. Se formos nós a cancelar, devolvemos-te o valor.

All trips have a predefined minimum and maximum group size. If the trip you want to go on is sold out, send us an e-mail stating that you want to be on the waiting list. If the group drops out, we'll contact you with the good news.

Não, os voos da viagem não estão incluídos no preço. A compra dos voos é tua responsabilidade, no entanto não te preocupes porque nós podemos ajudar-te a adquiri-los de acordo com os requisitos da viagem e as tuas necessidades e preferências. Em qualquer caso, deves aguardar a confirmação de saída garantida por parte da Borealis antes de fazeres qualquer compra. Receberás um e-mail com esta confirmação, assegurando que a viagem está confirmada e todos os detalhes estão alinhados. 

Sim! Depois de reservares a tua viagem, entra em contacto com a nossa equipa, através do (+351) 910 910 930 ou, com o pedido de auxílio para aquisição de voos. Podemos ajudar-te a escolher os voos que melhor se adequam aos requisitos da viagem, incluindo horários e aeroportos. Também iremos apoiar na gestão do check-in.

Sim, podes adquirir os teus voos autonomamente. Contudo, deves aguardar a confirmação de saída garantida por parte da Borealis antes de fazeres qualquer compra. Receberás um e-mail com esta confirmação, assegurando que a viagem está confirmada e todos os detalhes estão alinhados.

Após comprares os voos, envia-nos o teu plano de voo para Esta informação é essencial para que possamos coordenar da melhor forma os transfers, que incluem apenas uma viagem de ida e uma de volta para o aeroporto e de acordo com as horas de início e fim do programa anunciadas.

Receberás um e-mail da Borealis com a confirmação de guaranteed exit assim que a viagem estiver confirmada. Este e-mail é fundamental antes de adquirires os teus voos.

Of course, we can help you book a hotel and buy an extension to your travel insurance. Alternatively, we will also provide you with a detailed list of the names of the hotels you have booked in the email with more information about your trip.

Of course, this detailed information will follow in the e-mail with more information about the trip.

On our trips you should bring clothes and shoes that are suitable for the program, a small 20L backpack to carry with you at all times, and a larger backpack to carry the items needed for multi-day trips. It's also very important to always have valid identity document (ID card and/or passport if required).

In terms of footwearyou should always opt for trekking bootsWaterproof, hard-soled shoes for nature walks and lighter, more flexible shoes for city walks.

In terms of clothesyou should opt for comfortable clothes and suitable for the climate, always including a waterproof jacket in your day pack. Clothes should be worn in layers to ensure thermal comfort.

You should always have a small backpack with, among other things: personal documentation, food and refreshments, water bottle, flashlight, mug of tea/coffee, sunscreen, preventative medication, extra or regular bag and a change of clothes (including extra socks). In the case of trips with a planned stay, you should also opt for a larger capacity backpackAvoid large, rigid suitcases with the necessities for the day: changes of clothes, pyjamas, toiletries.   Trekking equipment may be recommended depending on the route and the weather, such as trekking poles.

As a rule, in terms of meals included in the trip, only breakfast is provided in the overnight accommodation. On some trips, lunches or dinners are included, particularly those traditional to the destination. If you have dietary restrictions, you should inform our back-office support team so that we can assess the situation with our partners. Despite our best efforts, it will not always be possible to provide specific food, so we recommend that you bear this in mind and manage the situation, for example by providing your own food.

The planned meeting points for bus journeys are usually as follows:

  • Braga, at Via Nova Shopping - E.Leclerc Hypermarket (next to the parking lot and gas station)
  • Coimbra, Ribeira de Frades (traffic circle next to IC2)
  • Lisbon, at Gare do Oriente
  • Porto, , at Hospital de S. João (in front of the Hospital de S. João metro station, next to the Circunvalação)
  • Valença, next to the Lara hotel (across the street) on Avenida dos Bombeiros Voluntários

The planned meeting points are specified for each trip.

The start and end dates and meeting points will be communicated in the travel FAQs, usually at the arrivals and departures terminal of the reference airport. 

As horas exatas para o início e fim da viagem serão comunicadas no e-mail de confirmação de saída garantida, que a Borealis envia atempadamente antes da data prevista da viagem. Só depois da viagem estar confirmada é que podes comprar os voos associados. O programa será organizado de modo a respeitar as horas e datas definidas nos pontos de encontro.

Nota importante: o programa previsto poderá sofrer ajustes em função dos voos disponíveis no momento de notificação de saída garantida e aquisição de voos, para garantir a melhor experiência de viagem.

Purchase of flights:

  • The purchase of the flight is the responsibility of the traveler and is not included in the package price. However, you can choose to purchase the flight tickets through Borealis' in-house service, which guarantees complete management of the booking, including online check-in, in accordance with the travel program.
  • Se preferires, podes utilizar ferramentas online para pesquisar e reservar voos de forma independente. Logo que adquira os voos, informa a Borealis dos detalhes para facilitar a gestão dos transfers. Lembra-te que a aquisição dos voos só pode ocorrer depois da viagem estar confirmada por parte da Borealis através do e-mail de saída garantida.

Transfer times:

  • Os transfers de aeroporto/hotel ou programa (um e só um) serão ajustados de acordo com as horas e datas comunicadas pela Borealis e poderão, até um determinado espaço temporal e de acordo com as restrições do programa previsto, ser adaptado aos horários de chegada dos participantes. É fundamental comunicar à Borealis os detalhes do teu voo logo após a compra.
  • Transfer times may be subject to change for reasons of force majeure, such as flight cancellations or adverse weather conditions.

Borealis provides one and only one transfer to and from the airport of reference of the trip according to the start and end times of the program indicated in the guaranteed departure email of the trip. However, the transfer schedule may be subject to change due to disruptions related to the flight of reference for the trip, for which Borealis is not responsible. The transfer takes into account the schedule of the group's flights as far as possible. If you arrive late and do not show up at the time set for the start of the trip, you will have to bear the costs of transportation to the hotel and/or meeting the group.

Our "backpacker" wave. You should always carry a small backpack of up to 25 liters, where you can store everything you need for the day, such as a meal box, snacks, water, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, a change of clothes, extra socks and personal belongings. For trips with accommodation, we recommend that you also bring a larger, but comfortable and non-rigid backpack to make it easier to move around, with changes of clothes, a toiletry kit and everything else you need for the days you'll be traveling.

If traveling by coach, only 1 item of hold luggage per person is allowed, as the capacity of the coach's luggage compartment is limited. Trekking poles must be identified in the hold.

It depends on the airline you're traveling with and the fares you choose, so you should always check the number, dimensions and weight of baggage allowed. We recommend traveling with a 50L backpack. And note that trekking poles are not allowed as cabin luggage.

Yes, you can provide the travel coordinator's contact details, which will be given to you in the days before your trip. And when filling in the traveler's details, we strongly recommend that you add an emergency contact, just in case.

It is your responsibility to show up at the time and place set as the start of the program. If you are going to be late, you should call your travel coordinator as soon as possible to check the possibilities. We will try to find a solution, but it may involve you meeting up with the group at an alternative meeting point at your own expense and without reimbursement for the activities not included.

Yes, Borealis trips aim to maximize every minute you are with us, so you should be equipped from the very first minute for the activity scheduled on the first day. No hotel stops are planned before we start the trip's program.

Travel and services

We hope so, but in some cases we may not reach the minimum group size. All the more reason to sign up as soon as possible and invite your friends. But don't worry, we'll let you know as soon as possible when a scheduled trip is canceled due to the minimum group, and you'll be notified no later than 15 days before the announced departure date. In the case of trips that require the purchase of flights, you will receive confirmation of guaranteed departure up to 2 months in advance. All trips advertised online are scheduled and become confirmed as soon as the minimum group is reached and the main details regarding services and safety are guaranteed.

No, the trip remains confirmed. If the safety of the trip itinerary is in question, the trip coordinator will come up with a plan B, an alternative itinerary, which will be just as fun and memorable.

We hope so, that's our mission. However, for reasons of force majeure and safety, it may not be possible to fulfill all the activities announced or it may be necessary to change the order of the itinerary. But don't worry, you'll always be safe with a team of monitors dedicated to giving you the best time and prepared to operate alternative itineraries if necessary.

Yes, when booking the trip you can select the "single room?" option with an associated price supplement. This option may not be available for all the nights of the trip due to the type of accommodation planned and requires confirmation of availability. If the trip you want to buy does not have this option active, you can send us an e-mail and we will do everything we can to access the request.

The rooms will be doubles or triples. You will be sharing a room with fellow travelers of the same gender (male or female) and preferably of the same age. The bathroom, although private to the room, is shared by those sharing a room. Exceptionally, and for some specific destinations, the overnight stay may take place in a tent (or camping or equivalent) sharing multiple living spaces, however, we assure you that it will be worth giving up a little comfort to live a memorable experience.

If you are traveling with people you know in the group, you can indicate your preference for sharing a room when filling in the individual traveler information, once the reservation has been paid for and confirmed. Note: you will never share a room with people from outside the group.

Borealis has the insurance provided for with the amounts required by national legislation, including civil liability, personal accident and/or travel assistance (with a PVFM guarantee - Travel Disruption due to force majeure). However, for some trips, we recommend taking out multi-trip insurance with CIV Trip Cancellation and Interruption cover. In these cases, when booking your trip you can select the "CIV? Multi-Trip Insurance" option with an associated price supplement. Remember that this additional insurance will only be active once the booking has been paid in full.

Of course, you have the freedom to skip an included activity and choose to spend that time however you like. However, there are no refunds for not taking advantage of the scheduled activity.

Of course. There are times during the trip when you can discover the destination for yourself, for example after arriving at the hotel at the end of the day.

Our trips are inspired by nature and the world around us and the level of difficulty of the planned routes is defined in the day-by-day itinerary in the online trip details. For most of our trips, the level of difficulty is medium and suitable for someone in normal physical condition. In the case of medium-high difficulty routes, we provide, whenever possible, an alternative, lighter route so that you can adapt the challenge to your physical condition. The most important thing is to prepare for the trip and we'll send you all the information you need to feel comfortable in all possible situations. If you have any concerns, it's best to clarify them with our back-office support team, who are ready to help you at every stage of your trip preparation.

On most of our trips we use buses as our means of transportation, but to a lesser extent we can also use vans, 4×4 jeeps, cabs or other public transport, depending on the destination, the itinerary and the size of the group. When traveling by bus, we always try to make strategic stops for coffee and toilets. In addition, the number of hours the bus driver can drive is regulated by national and European legislation, providing for mandatory rest stops.

Some rules must be respected:

  • In terms of luggage, one small item is allowed inside the coach, which can be stowed in the designated areas. Larger items of luggage will be stowed in the hold, limited to 1 item/person. Trekking poles must be identified and carried in the hold (objects considered dangerous to carry inside the bus).
  •  You must occupy a seat and remain there for the entire journey, regardless of intermediate stops. Seat belts are compulsory.
  • You can't eat, smoke or put your feet on the seats.
  • Check-in and boarding always takes a few minutes, so you should be at the meeting point at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time.

Yes, if you think the service was good at the end of the day, a small gratuity is always welcome for the bus driver, although it's not obligatory. It's up to you and either way it's fine. On the trip you can always ask the trip coordinator how to proceed with this initiative.

On all trips, you will have compulsory insurance with the cover provided by law. In the event of an emergency, the travel coordinator is prepared to assess the situation and initiate emergency contacts (112) and other appropriate procedures. They will then immediately activate your multi-trip insurance certificate. From this point on, the interaction will be between you and the insurance. It is very important to always indicate an emergency contact so that they can also monitor the situation.

Yes, in the days following the end of the trip you will receive an evaluation questionnaire in which you can leave us your opinion of the trip. We thank you in advance for your feedback, which we will take into account in order to improve our work and the experience of the trip. You can also leave a public review of your experience on our social networks and website.